Friday, October 28, 2011

Reschedule of Event Letter

Dear Sandrine,

I was informed by my supervisor that the product launch will be pushed to next week, so it'll be closer to the festival date. Please inform all those involved in your team accordingly.

Thank you,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Status update letter for Project Check List

Good Day Project Supervisors,

This is to remind everyone to please submit TODAY, October 15, 2012 - Friday, all the pending requirements that we need for each account.

We need a status update of each requirement in the checklist:
  • Media kit
  • Project Timeline report
  • Budget report
  • Still photos of project site
Please get in touch with Marie for any concerns.

Roger Hausen

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Letter to Employees about Overtime Pay and Compensation

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder, we don't mind you doing overtime but only if its approved by your supervisor. Please file the proper paperwork for Human Resources, so your overtime hours will reflect on your salary on payday. This way, we know everyone is compensated properly for their hardwork. Questions? Please email Mary our Payroll supervisor.

Joey Russ

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Project Calendar Letter

Hello Granger,

Attached is the Project Calendar. Please read the new plans for our planning stage.
Sam sorry this took a while, I've been busy the whole day. Anyways, let me know what you think?
